About CLEwebinars.com

Founded in 2015, CLEwebinars.com’s law practice management, technology, ethics, and practice-area webinars allow associations to offer their attorney-members the opportunity to learn from high caliber speakers they might not otherwise have the opportunity to learn from.
We work with a select group of seasoned CLE speakers, many of whom have authored popular ABA books on their topics. They present practical lessons your members can immediately put to work in their practices.
Adding these webinars to your association’s CLE calendar requires no payment from you. CLEwebinars.com handles the production and delivery of the programs. We process all customer and technical services, including: all aspects of event management, from taking payments to sending confirming, reminder, and follow-up emails. Every week we send you a detailed registration report. Every quarter we cut you a check for your share of the revenue.
Additionally, archived recordings of all our webinars are available for 24/7 On-Demand viewing by your attorneys. All the association has to do is accredit the webinars, market them to your attorney-members, and cash the checks for your share of the registrations you generate. We provide the association with marketing descriptions, graphics, and a customized webinar catalog.
CLEwebinars.com was founded by Mark Rosch and Carole Levitt, JD MLS – two veteran CLE presenters and ABA authors. From 1999-2020, they provided law firms, corporations, and local and state Bar Associations around the country with professional and entertaining turn-key, in-person CLE programs through their company, Internet For Lawyers. CLEwebinars.com is the evolution of their proven CLE distribution method … moving from in-person to distance learning…to help Bar Associations generate income (with no financial risk) while educating their members.
If you’re an association looking to add revenue-generating CLE presentations or if you are a seasoned CLE presenter looking to expand your audience, contact us today.
(888) 393-6181
available from 10:00 – 18:00 Mountain Time